Varsovia (Polonia), del 12 al 14 de junio de 2019. La Sociedad Europea de Estética abre el plazo de recepción de comunicaciones sobre cualquier tema de estética filosófica. Contará como ponentes invitados con Hanne Appelqvist, Ruth Sonderegger, and Erika Fischer-Lichte. Envío de resúmenes hasta el 13 de enero de 2019.
Conference of the European Society for Aesthetics 2019
Call For Papers
The European Society for Aesthetics annual conference 2019 will be co-organised by the ESA and Institute of Philosophy at the University of Warsaw, and will take place in Warsaw (Poland) from the 12th-14th of June 2019. The Keynote speakers will be Hanne Appelqvist, Ruth Sonderegger, and Erika Fischer-Lichte.
Conference website
Submission link
Submission deadline January 13, 2019
We are inviting papers from all traditions and on any topic in philosophical aesthetics, and both systematic and historical presentations are acceptable.
Submissions must be long abstracts (800-1200 words in length) presenting not only the main ideas and claims of the paper, but also the arguments in favour of them. We encourage the presentation of submissions in English, but submissions in other major European languages will be considered equally. For each talk, there will be time for a 20-25 minute presentation, with about another 20 minutes designated for discussion. Please note that full paper submissions will not be accepted and submissions are limited to one per person.
Please use the PDF-file format for submission and render your text completely anonymous to allow for blind refereeing.
To submit your long abstract, please use the EasyChair online submission system (first-time users will be asked to register with EasyChair):
We also encourage all submitters to sign up as members of the ESA (which is free):
The deadline for submissions of papers is January 13 2019, and we aim to inform you about the result of our selection process by mid-February, depending on the number of submissions.
All papers presented at the conference are eligible for publication in the Proceedings of the ESA. (
NEW! Panel submissions/
If you wish to propose a panel, please email Karen Simecek ( by January 6 2019 with details of your panel (panel title, list of speakers, titles of their papers and a brief rationale for the panel) and then ask individual members of the panel to upload their abstracts to EasyChair individually (marked with the name of the panel). We will then do our best to evaluate these abstracts as a panel and if all accepted, group together under that theme. Panels are also eligible for inclusion in the proceedings.
The European Society for Aesthetics arranges an essay prize for PhD students and early career scholars (max. three years from the doctorate) in connection with its yearly conferences. The prize consists of travel and accommodation stipend of up to 500 euros. The ESA will also award the prize winner’s conference fees and conference dinner. The winning essay will be considered for publication in the journal Estetika. In taking part in the prize, participants commit themselves to publish their essay in Estetika in case they are awarded the prize. For more information on the journal please visit:
All submissions to the prize must be in English. First submissions should be made by following the general call of the ESA 2019 conference and all submissions will be considered for presentation at the conference. Please place “(Essay Prize)” after the title of your submission in EasyChair to indicate that you want your submission to be considered for the prize. The selection of the prize winner will be broken down into two stages. After the first round of reviews, selected authors will be asked to submit a full conference paper (max. 3500 words) by the March 22 2019. The recipient of the prize will be selected from this group. We aim to announce the winner by the April 30 2019.
Venue: The conference will be held at Collegium Novum (Old Library), University of Warsaw, Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28 street, Warsaw, Poland.
All questions about submissions should be emailed to the conference organizers:
For all enquiries regarding the prize please contact Karen Simecek, the secretary of the ESA: